Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cruelty-free Thanksgiving

There has been quite a lot of discussion of vegan issues on Ravelry this week. Not just within the usual vegetarian and vegan groups, but in the Yarn forum. Someone asked about vegan yarns for knitting baby things and the thread evolved into a discussion of all things vegan, from what we eat, to what we knit with, to what we wear, to whether we have pets.

Anyone wanting to know more will find lots of information here - the Vegan Society in the UK.

As it's Canadian Thanksgiving Day tomorrow (Monday) I thought this would be a good chance for me to stand up for the billions of animals who are slaughtered every year to feed our society's meat addiction and refer you to this page. Lots of vegan recipes for special occasions.

Anyone wondering what the heck we can possibly find to eat when we remove animal products from our diet would do well to read this.

Wishing you (and the animals) a Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Nan said...

Thanks for the link, I will check them out. Blog award available... if your interested!!! ;)