Thursday, July 10, 2008


We had a huge storm come through the valley today. The boys and I were at the dining room table this morning doing "schooly" stuff when we noticed the trees getting blown about, then the rain came. (That link will take you to the local news website.)

We had to rescue a few things off the deck so they didn't blow away. My laundry was out, carefully pegged to ensure it didn't blow away, but of course it's now wetter than it was before!

We have heard sirens on a regular basis - the emergency services going out for fallen trees, car accidents, grass fires.

I walked up to the bakery in the rain to find the shops at the plaza closed or closing as they had no power. I just made it in time to pick up my sub buns for dinner - luckily I had cash as they had no way of accepting plastic.

I just checked the forecast for tomorrow, as I have arranged to meet a friend at the beach, and it's supposed to be sunny and 30 degrees Celsius, so that's good.

Ninja Boy, Lego Nut and I had a productive morning, once Lego Nut got over his resistance to doing his math. I wouldn't back down, he had to do the pages I gave him, and it eventually was finished. We finished reading about Rome and the Romans in our Usborne Time Travellers book, and I gave them a spelling test of 15 words each - aimed to challenge them a little. They then went next door to watch movies with the neighbour's boy, taking some popcorn with them.

The weather seems to have settled down now. Time for me to have a little game of Bookworm...

1 comment:

K said...

What a crazy storm! We had trees knocked over on our property and one fell onto our horse stall. Wild.