Wednesday, August 27, 2008

This is cute

My husband sent me this link today which I think is so cute I wanted to share it with you. The camera-work is a little shaky, but this person must live on the edge of civilisation to have a mother moose and her twin babies in their backyard!


affectioknit2 said...

That is so cute - thanks for sharing - we sometimes have moose in our backyard as well.

Louise said...

This is just too lovely for words. How those babies loved to leap about in the water spray, just like children would. x

Joanne said...

So funny watching those baby moose! I don't know about the edge of civilization...the guy who owned our house before us said that he had a moose camp out on the porch for three days last winter :) it feels pretty civilized around here though.

sheila said...

Those twins look just like my twins in the sprinkler. Funny.